Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Euporos SA 2009 - 2019 | Registered in the Swiss Commercial Register: CHE-115.945.571 (100% Swiss assets, including its management team) | VAT: CHE-115.945.571. Headquarters at the World Trade Center Geneva (Administered by Privera SA: +41 58 715 63 55 / Sitio Web:

The vocation of the company is the international trade of precious metals, and diamonds. It provides only physical products that really exist, unlike other financial products that sell certificates promising a credit (ETF).

Euporos SA is headquartered in World Trade Center II of Geneva, Route de Pré-Bois 29 Postal Code 1215 Geneva. 300 mts from the arrival hall of the Airport.

Many competitors generally sell precious-metal "paper", the certificate promising a purely fictive metal asset that does not exist physically as ingots or coins (ETF). In contrast, Euporos SA sells only physical precious metals and diamonds. Knowing that, on average, any given ingot is promised many times on paper by unprofessional traders, our company prefers to offer a physical investment where each client is certain of actually possessing the metal and not just a fanciful paper.

Euporos SA also offers a comprehensive physical storage service.

Simply create a customer account on our website and place an order.

The ordering process is as follows:


By going to our website, at the top right, you can create your customer account by clicking on "Open a free account". Then we must fill in the requested information, and finally click on the link that we will have sent to your personal email box to activate your account.

If you want us to open the account for you, contact us via chat and send us the information.

To log in to your customer account, click on

Just go to the website, to your customer account, enter your email address and click "forgot password?" Your password will be sent to you at the registered email address.
Any queestion, please contact us by chat.

To change your personal details, login to your customer account, and at the right side of the page under "my details" you can change them whenever your want.

You customer account on the Euporos SA website is in "https" mode, which offers a high level of protection against unauthorised third-party intrusion (hackers). HTTPS is one of the secure protocols used on the internet to protect data transmission.

Your data and purchases are covered by business confidentiality. All information provided to our company remains strictly confidential. No databank will be sold to anyone. Additionally, you can ask us to close your customer account whenever you want.

Your redemption request is available in the "my stock" tab, then "stock movement", and "sale".

Your order is available in the "my orders" tab, you can then consult and download it in PDF.

You need to contact us, we have more choices of independent companies that can do this work for you.
SGS, Veritas, etc.

At first, you can open an account without providing us with a document, just to test our platform. Once your first order has been placed, we will need to provide us with your identity document certified by an official body such as your town hall, the post office, your lawyer or your notary for example. A proof of address must be attached. These documents can be sent to us by e-mail.
To open an account with Euporos SA, you have two options.

1. Send us the following data
Name, first names, mobile phone and if you have a fixed address, street, city, zip code, country, nationality, copy of your passport with your date of birth, e-mail, and inform it by mail that you have read the general conditions he accepts them

2. Fill out the form online

To make a withdrawal, you must go to the "my stock" tab of your customer account and then "request a withdrawal". Then you will need to select the items you wish to remove, then validate.

Euporos SA offers a range of gold ingots (1 ounce, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 kg) as well as coins: Gold Maple Leaf, Vreneli and Napoléon. Recently we have included Platinum, Rhodium, Iridium, and Palladium.

Euporos SA offers a range of silver ingots (1 ounce, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 kg) as well as three types of coins: Silver Maple Leaf, Silver Eagle and the Philharmoniker.
1 once50 g100 g250 g, 1 kg, Maple Leaf argent, Silver Eagle et Philharmoniker.

The Silver Eagle (99.99% Silver) is slightly more expensive than the Maple Leaf (99.9% Silver)

If you opt to send it home or to pick it up from our site, the question does not arise because the metal you ordered is physically placed in your own hands. For storage, you have two types of proof: the storage contract and the certificates of storage of your goods (with the serial number of each ingot). Furthermore, you can come and get it or see it whenever you want.

Learn more about storage...

Our company imposes no limit. You can order whatever amount you wish.

If your purchase is CHF 25,000 or more, you must sign an anti-money-laundering form ("LBA" form downloadable from your customer account) and provide a certified copy of your identity document.

This LBA form (an acronym of the anti-money-laundering law "Loi sur le Blanchiment d'Argent") is to confirm that the money that you want to invest belongs to you and that it does not come from illegal activity. You must sign the first page, initial the second, and send all three pieces to the company.

Under both Swiss and European law, our sales are firm and cannot be undone, given that the price of the merchandise is subject to market fluctuations beyond our control. For more information click here.

Euporos SA can buy back your goods, on the following terms:

  • If your metal was bought through our company, we buy it back at the day's price minus 5 %.
  • If your metal was bought through another company, please send us the pictures, certificates and we make you an offer

We have the best buyback prices in the market because we work directly with Swiss gold foundries (80% of the world market)

To learn more click here  Buy-back terms

Although the prices are indexed on the spot price, we must add the manufacturing costs by ingot of the smelter, the costs of secure transport, the possible exchange risks between the time of the purchase by you and our purchase at the foundry.
There is also our marketing and administration fee.

Our ingots are made in Switzerland (80% of the world market of gold), they come from world famous brands (150 years of history for Metalor for example), this gives them an additional value.

Did you receive a more competitive offer? we help you analyze all proposals from our competitors, do not hesitate to contact us by chat or phone.

1. A secure and reliable offer: Shipments generally take no more than two weeks after payment is received. We operate on the principle that we should carry sufficient inventory to honour all orders and deliver promptly.

2. Exceptional situations: However, when we receive an order for a particularly large amount, or when there is a rush of buyers on the precious metals market (case of 2008 crisis) leading to an overload of work at the foundries, there may be a waiting time, without it being our fault. In such a case we would deliver as soon as possible. If our supplier defaulted completely (Metalor has 150 years), we would reimburse you the total amount of your order.

We work with several Money Transfert compagnies suc as:

  • TNT
  • Brinks
  • Loomis

Everything depends on the country of destination. Contact us for more information about this.

If the carrier finds the recipient (you) absent the first time, a calling card will be left in your mail-box and can agree on a second delivery attempt with the carrier itself.

The package is handed over when the recipient signs for it. Anyone receiving it on the recipient?s behalf must show an authorisation to do so signed by the recipient, to be able to obtain the package.

When you receive it, check the container carefully before signing, and write on the delivery note any complaint you may have!

Throughout the duration of the transport, you are 100 % insured if you have subscribed to the shipping insurance. Consequently, if the package is lost you will receive an identical replacement, and if the products are damaged we will exchange them at our cost. If the carrier delivers a package that is totally or partially damaged or spoiled, you must write your complaint on the delivery note at the time that you accept the package (and not afterwards!). AND immediately send us a copy of your complaint. If you omit to react immediately, you will have no recourse against the carrier or against the seller.

To track it, login to your customer account, select ?my orders? then click ?see? for the package in question. You will then have to ?track the package?.

Each of our depositors owns ingots allocated personally to him/her alone, as opposed to some of our competitors whose depositors hold only unallocated metal documentation, i.e., merely debt certificates that may be worth nothing if the depositary goes bankrupt. Personal allocation makes our storage a high-quality service, infinitely more safe and reliable than competitors? offers, that appear to offer a safe place while piling up some metal in bulk and lots of air.

SEE ACTIS certification ? physical storage allocated by name

Ingots and coins are warehoused outside the banking system, at Loomis/Brinks in Switzerland, in a vault built inside a high-security building, protected by physically and present armed guards. This is better than simply an alarmed safe with video surveillance.

If you have opted for storage in the open customs bonded warehouse, the merchandise is in the same high-security building, but in a special "customs bonded" site.

Unlike gold, silver and other metals are subject to value added tax (VAT). Euporos SA offers several options: a) storage in Switzerlandand paying the swiss VAT, or b)   storage in a VAT-exempt "open customs warehouse".

The warehouse is on Swiss territory, but the goods are confined in a "customs bonded" zone. It is only when they leave this zone that customs duties and value added tax are payable. So long as they remain in the warehouse, they are totally exempt. They can remain warehoused there indefinitely.

For tax reasons, we can store on a long-term basis only imported ingots and not ingots manufactured in Switzerland.

The warehousing fees for VAT-exempt ingots are the same rates as for storage in Switzerland of ingots subject to VAT.

And, of course, you have the benefit of the same personal allocation: each ingot with its specific serial number is allocated to you personally, with a detailed storage certificate.

You can ask Euporos SA to buy back your ingots at any time. If you wish to pick them up or have them shipped to you, in order to be able to remove them from the customs bonded warehouse, you will first have to pay customs duties plus the VAT of the destination country, calculated on the value of the ingot at the time it leaves the depot.

The deposits of Euporos SA's customers would not be affected in the event of the bankruptcy of the security company Loomis, because they are not the owners.

Each object is allocated by name to one or another client of Euporos SA. If Loomis went bankrupt, then Euporos SA would have to empty the armored room and take these precious objects to another security company or pass them on to their owners.

For example, this is like a parking where you leave left your car for the week end and all documents and insurance is at your name, in case of bankruptcy, you go, show the documents and take your car back ...

Customers? deposits would remain intact, because they do not constitute outright receivables against Euporos SA. On the contrary, they are objects of value, whose guardianship is entrusted to Euporos SA but remain the inalienable property of the customer and in no way form part of the assets of the company seizable by a bailiff or sellable by an official liquidator. All depositors, thanks to their certificates of storage, can retrieve their metals with no risk of confusion, because every ingot with its serial number is allocated personally by name and the company has stored all the orders in full (no "fractional reserve").

Your deposit is therefore not a receivable, and Euporos SA is not your debtor. Your deposit and your property are unseizable, and Euporos SA is your guardianship service provider. You can therefore retrieve your property at any time, independently of the financial health of the company.

You can store starting from 100 CHF and without limit.

It is possible to partially store a command. If you choose to store only part of your order, you will just have to choose how to recover the non-stocked goods.
If you have any questions, contact us.

If you no longer want to stock, just notify Euporos SA by phone, chat or eMail at least a week in advance. In case of urgent need, call us immediately so that we can arrange an express delivery.

Storage fees are defined in the Storage Contract (SC). There are 1%. For more information click here.

The minimum duration is 12 months. In case of closing, there is 9 CHF cost.

You are insured against theft, burglary, fire, natural damage and water damage. Other risks (war, confiscation by the State, nuclear explosion, etc.) are not covered. The insurance premium costs 0.2 % of your deposit value as of 2 January.

See the storage contract.

For security measures, we only provide this information to our customers who have requested a withdrawal and have material in the stock.

Four possibilities:

  • 1  Bank Transfer
  • 2  Balance of your Customer Account
  • 3  Cash (Euros, USD, CHF, Reales, ZL, Yen, etc.)
  • 4  Credit card

Other type of payement, please contact us

The ordering process is simple. There are four steps:
My basket > Delivery and payment methods > Identification > Confirmation

  1. Select your products and quantities, which will be displayed in ?My basket?.
  2. Select your ?delivery and payment method?.
  3. Log-in to your customer account or create it.
  4. Confirm your order.

To learn more click here.

Bank transfer: Transactions are made from one bank account (Your) to another (ours). Important when confirming that it is an official account of Euporos SA and informed by an official document of Euporos SA.

Having a customer account: Your customer account on the Euporos SA website is in "https" mode, which offers a high standard of protection against unauthorized third party intrusions ("hackers"). It is one of the secure protocols used on the internet to protect the transmission of data.

Cash: Euporos SA has a counterfeit detector (high-end banking model, regularly updated). We do not accept cash visits without having arranged an appointment beforehand. In addition, in the event that we have to give you a significant portion of cash, we will inform you the best way to do it in one of our Swiss partner banks. This service is only for long term customers.

Bank card: Our credit card payment website is managed by the company ConCardis SA. ConCardis has 30 years of experience.

There is a distinction: gold is VAT-exempt in Switzerland and the European Union, but silver is subject to VAT. As for other geographic areas, please contact the tax authorities in your country for details. For more information click here.

Silver is taxed at 8 % in Switzerland, whether ingots or coins. In some European countries, the VAT rate is lower for coins than for ingots. In other European countries it is identical. In France, for example, the same rate applies to silver ingots and coins. For more information click here.

Tip: You can avoid VAT on silver by storing your ingots ?customs bonded?. For more information, see on this same web page the question "What is an open customs bonded warehouse?".

Our products and services prices are shown excluding taxes, to which must be added the value added tax (or not ? see the various cases in the table below), to obtain a total including taxes.

delivery method silver gold
IN SWITZERLAND storage Swiss VAT 8.1 %  
Shipping Swiss VAT 8.1 % exempt  
pick up from site Swiss VAT 8.1 % exempt  
CUSTOMS BONDED open customs bonded warehouse exempt exempt
EXPORT shipping destination country VAT exempt

ADDITIONAL SERVICES (certificate of authenticity, shipping fees, storage fees, etc.) are fiscally linked to the metal to which they refer. Thus, for example, if a silver ingot is stored in Switzerland, the VAT also applies to the storage costs. However, if a silver ingot is stored ?customs bonded?, the storage costs are exempt from any tax. As another example, if a package containing 500 g of gold and 7 kg of silver is sent to a Swiss address, part of the shipping fee is tax-exempt, the other part incurs tax prorated to the gold value / silver value of the package.

It all depends on the country to which the package has to be sent. The recipient pays the applicable VAT in his country to our carrier.

Note that if you choose this option, you will not pay Swiss VAT, as we will invoice you excluding tax.

The carrier collects the taxes and any customs duties due in the destination country, when it delivers the package to you (payable in cash, by bank transfer, bank card or cheque). If you live in the European Union, check that the carrier does not invoice you VAT on gold, as this error sometimes happens when a package contains both gold and silver and the carrier applies the VAT to the entire value, instead of separating what is exempt (gold) from what is taxable (silver).

If the ingots leaving the vault remain in Switzerland or are sold in Switzerland, no VAT is payable on top. However, if you want us to ship it to you in a foreign country (or if you pick them up yourself to take them to your home country), you will have to pay the applicable VAT in your country. The Swiss VAT that you paid at the beginning of storage will not be reimbursed.

Hence the interest to store in duty free!


Merchandise exported from Switzerland is exempt from Swiss VAT (article 23, paragraph 2, point 2 of the Federal Law governing value added tax) but may be subject to customs duties, taxes and VAT of the destination country, and are expressly stated as borne by you.

There is no State tax on resale in Switzerland. However, in France, for example, 10 % is payable, if the metal is resold in the European Union. Note that the French tax is NOT payable if the metal is resold outside the European Union! For the record, Switzerland is not part of the European Union. A resident of France who sells ingots stored at Euporos SA in Switzerland will under no circumstances be liable for this tax.

For more information click here.


Transactions involving gold coins, fine gold and silver are exempt from value added tax (VAT) under certain conditions. Gold coins must be minted by States and meet specific customs tariff numbers. Gold intended for investment purposes must have a minimum fineness of 995 thousandths and may be in the form of cast or rolled ingots with a statement of title and a stamp from a recognised assayer. Other forms of gold, such as granules, raw or semi-refined gold, as well as gold offcuts and trimmings, are also covered by this exemption. Alloys containing at least two per cent gold or alloys in which gold predominates over platinum are also considered to be gold eligible for the exemption. Silver intended for investment purposes follows similar rules to qualify for VAT exemption.


Children can not take their child up to 18 years old. On the other hand, they can choose in what they invest and this with the help of their parents. The choice of Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Platinum, and Currencies or to let his account in francs belong to them jointly.

Once they are 18, they are emancipated.
If we work with the Swiss Confederation's inflation calculator, it means that when buying the same number of products for 100 CHF in 1956, today the cost of the same products would be 424 CHF or that the Swiss franc has lost more than 3/4 of its value in a few years ... So the piggy bank? Smart?

Example if an 18 year old child had opened a savings account in 2001.

He would have received 100 CHF from Euporos SA
and if we consider that he received from his family 150 CHF per year for 18 years
- At Christmas
- His birthday
- A religious holiday
- An event where you wish to congratulate the child

He would have:

- CHF 4'846.44 if he had chosen a JuniOr account
- CHF 3'186.00 if he had a Swiss bank
- CHF 2,700.00 if he kept the notes in CHF in his piggy bank

Level 0 (0 to 1'000 CHF/an) requires the following :

  • E-mail validated (by click at the inscription process)
  • Complet name (validated by the passport ou identity card reading)
  • Copy of Passport or Identity card (send by whatapp, by email or up-loaded)
  • Validated phone (call by Euporos team)
  • Country of residence (Informed by the customer)

Level 1 (1'000 to 25'000 CHF/an) requires the following :

  • Level 0 requirements 
  • Adresse validation (electricity, gas, phone bill, etc.)
  • Identity verification  (Visual by videoconference or private visit par Euporos team)

Level 2 (25'000 CHF to 300'000 CHF/an) requires the following :

  • Level 1 requirements 
  • LBA form (declaration of origin of funds)

Level 3 (More than 300'000 CHF/an) requires the following :

  • Level 2 requirements 
  • Level 3 form

No, although this is acceptable for a few days, after 30 days the negative balance is 1% per month.